Lots of free stuff…

Just letting you know that there’s a lot of great new content and free stuff at our updated blog – www.wizardandwitch.com


Friday Freebie Tarot Competition

Sign up for your chance to win a FREE tarot reading!  I run this competition on Fridays several times a month so see if Lady Luck is on your side and sign up now!

Learn to read Tarot for FREE!

If you’ve ever wanted to learn Tarot then now’s your chance!  All you need is a deck of cards, a notebook and my 5 part email course! Sign Up Now!

FREE Weekly Newsletter

Just visit our site – www.wizardandwitch.com – and enter your details for our free newsletter.  They are special offers, exclusive articles and the latest news.  Plus you’ll be entered into the Friday Freebie competitions automatically too.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!



Blog Update!!

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ve moved the blog contents to our website:


Our whole site is now based on blog technology so you can leave comments etc and you can also subscribe to the site so new posts are sent straight to your email box.

We’ve added quite a lot of content since I last updated this site here on wordpress.  I’m doing a daily Tarot ‘horoscope’ reading on podcast and Paul has his Agony Wizard column.

Please adjust your book marks and find us on our main site – www.wizardandwitch.com

If you have any comments, feedback or questions don’t forget we always welcome your input 🙂



Beltane and bloody finger

I’m not having the best of days today. It’s May Day, the sun is shining (haven’t seen that for a while) and everything is going, well not wrong but not quite right either.

www.witchshop.co.ukMy sons are home from school today due to elections and they’ve done nothing but sqaubble. I’ve taken them swimming and I’m trying very hard not to utter those two words on the tip of every parent’s tongue “never again”. My daughter who turns 6 months next weeks has learnt to roll over which has turned her into a rage-aholic. So I have boys arguing and daughter screaming – not good for the Chi.

Clients are coming to me to sort out problems I thought were finished. Every project I begin seems to take at least 3 times as long as I had originally planned so I’m looking at working into the evening (again).

And to top it all I made lunch and sliced the top of my finger instead of the bread. Blood everywhere and I now have a middle finger all plastered up.

But on the good side Paul and I have finished rewriting Witch Shop to be our main site for spells. At the moment there are 69 spells to choose from but that’s only because there are another 12 or so I haven’t yet put up. If you want to take a peak please go to www.witchshop.co.uk You can get a FREE Spell so it’s worth spending a couple of minutes taking a look. Also, if you want to have a look at the spells we offer but don’t want to be online you can download our spell-menu (pdf).

Enjoy your May Day 🙂



Busy, busy, busy

It’s been a while since I last blogged.  Time has just whizzed by as usual so I’ll give you all a quick update of what Paul and I have been doing.

Well, HypnoMinutes has taken a large portion of time up.  We’ve got our Weight Loss series up and running plus some of the Get Sexy range.  Even though I have a Diploma in Hypnotherapy, I had pretty much taken a back seat with the hypnosis side of business because my skills were needed getting our online shop up and running.  BUT that’s all working now so I’ve stepped up and done a HypnoMinute!

It’s a FREE mp3 for all of us who are afraid to bare all (well, perhaps not all) for Summer.  So why not go to HypnoMinutes and download my Summer Swimsuit Confidence Hypnominute?

Paul and I are also studying together for another Hypnosis qualification.  That accounts for another chunk of time.

I’m also putting together a range of hypnosis mp3s for psychic development which I’m very excited about.  These are going to be in our new Wizard and Witch shop (more work!!)

Oh, and then there was half term which meant entertaining the boys!

No wonder I sleep well at night!



HypnoMinutes is launched!

HypnoMinutesI am very proud to say that Paul’s new Hypnotherapy products are now available.  After several months of hard work HypnoMinutes is  now live 🙂

He’s created five self hypnosis sessions that last only 3 minutes but are packed full of all the suggestions you need to help lose weight. 

As someone who’s struggled with my own weight since a teen I can thoroughly recommend the products.  Since I’ve been helping with the technical side and have been listening to the mp3s to make sure they’re perfect I do find myself choosing healthier foods, drinking more and looking forward to walking the dog 🙂

This is just the first step as he has other series planned such as attracting abundance and stop smoking. 

If you’d like to try HypnoMinutes then you can get a free relaxation session from Paul’s website – www.hypnominutes.com – plus an instant confidence booster.  Let me know how you get on!



Bringing a little magick to the office


I work from home running my own businesses and since we moved to our new house I’ve taken over the conservatory as my office space.  Paul and I have always been very clear that our home has to be multi-functional – it has to combine business and family – so during the day I use our dining table.  If I’m reading for a client it gets covered in Tarot cards, pendulums and candles.  If I’m working on websites then the table becomes my desk with my lap top, sometimes printer and a cup of coffee to hand.   When it’s time to stop then everything gets packed away and family life commences.

I love my adopted working area.  It’s light, airy and puts me right in nature without getting wet and cold.  I’m more creative, inspired and happy.  I’ve attached a couple of photos – one of my ‘office’ area and my daily view of the garden (as taken last month before even more flowers bloomed). 



It hasn’t always been this way.  From the age of 17 to last year, just before I turned 34 last year I worked in an office.  I stayed at one place for 15 years and can’t really say I enjoyed it very much (note to self:  stupid, stupid, stupid) then I worked for a small organisation where I had an office to myself.

As I became more involved in my spiritual path I really disliked the whole office environment – the artificial lighting, windows that don’t open, endless chatter, constant telephone calls – it’s really not the best place to be content and creative. 

So I began to bring little piece of myself into the office.  I put little pieces of clear quartz around my computer, changed my computer desktop to something more personal to me, had calendars of nature scenes and added photos of my children.  At one time I even had a little plant.  I’d also do some room cleansing when I had a few moments to myself.

Doing small things like this can make a big difference to your attitude of being in an office. It helps energy flow which then lifts your spirits and enhances your creativity.

So if you’re working in an office, give it a try.  What do you have to lose?



FREE Tarot Reading

I just thought I’d let you know that I’m running a monthly competition for a free Tarot reading with me.

You can ask as many questions as you want and I’ll answer as many as I can (it’s a TarotMinute reading – go to www.tarotminutes.com to see what’s it’s all about).

All you have to do is send an email to me via freereading@tarotminutes.com and I’ll enter you into the draw. Just make sure you put your name in the email so I know who to contact!

Good luck


7 Questions You Should Ask Your Tarot Reader

Before you part with your hard earned cash to get some psychic advice ask your Tarot reader a few questions to make sure he or she is on the level with you. Although this isn’t a foolproof list you can gain some insight into your reader and the level of experience they have.

How long have you been reading Tarot?

Look out for ambiguous answers like ‘since I was a little girl’ etc. Genuine readers will tell you how long they’ve been reading.

What first attracted you to Tarot?

For many readers there is a point in their life where Tarot appealed to them. They felt drawn towards it for a particular reason or perhaps a friend did a reading for them and it ‘just clicked’. Every reader has his or her own story to tell so be aware of cookie cutter answers.

How did you learn Tarot?

There may be some readers that can genuinely say that they just picked up a deck and knew all the answers but I haven’t come across one yet. A lot of readers learn by reading books and practising on friends; others take a course and some learn through spiritualist development circles. Be a little wary of ‘I’m the seventh son of a seventh son and have this wisdom passed down to me’ type replies.

What experience do you have?

Get to know how your reader has worked in the past and/or present. Did he or she do telephone lines? Has he or she read for a free organisation like Tabi or the ATA? Have they done the psychic fairs circuit? Do you read through your own personal website?

Which Tarot decks do you use?

Don’t be bought off with ‘the traditional deck’ – there is no standard traditional deck. The most common deck is the Rider Waite and most readers have at least this one in their collection. Dig a little deeper with your reader and ask how many decks in total they own and which are their favourites.

How often do you recommend I have a Tarot reading?

Any reader that tells you to come back every week is probably more interested in your money than helping you. A good answer is about every 3 months or when there is a ‘big’ decision or change in your life coming up.

Which card is usually known as the ‘wish card’?

If your reader is used to just reading out answers from a crib sheet then he or she probably won’t know the answer. People who have studied Tarot on some level will be able to tell you straight away that it’s the 9 of Cups.



Tarot Scams and Psychic Frauds

crystal_ball.jpgcrystal_ball.jpgJust thought I’d share my own experiences of the sometimes unethical psychic world. 

A few years ago I worked for 2 different Tarot phone lines.  The first one hired me on the spot without me doing any kind of reading… they just took my word that I knew Tarot and within a few minutes I was up and taking calls.  The 2nd company did ask for a sample telephone reading, which I did, and again a short time later I was live.  Both companies paid me by the minute in arrears and they made it quite clear that you earn more money that longer you can keep the client on the phone.  They pass more phone calls to readers who talk for longer so if you want more business then you have to keep the caller on the phone for as long as possible.


I’d like to point out here that I didn’t agree with the ‘keep them on the phone’ tactic.  In fact I probably had some of the quickest phone calls ever because it really doesn’t take 30 minutes plus to answer people’s questions.  Usually people would ring up with one or two important questions and you don’t need to do a celtic cross spread to help them.  (This is one of the reasons why I started TarotMinutes)

So if you’re going to spend £1.50 a minute calling a Tarot line I know from experience that you may not necessarily reach a Tarot reader or psychic.  I also know that every one of your minute counts to the telephone company and your reader may be swayed financially to keep you talking for much longer than needed.

I also worked for an internet company doing psychic email readings.  I had to submit a sample reading so that was ok – they knew I was genuine .  I did 3 or 4 readings for them and never got paid.  I chased the company many, many times and no money was ever forthcoming.  So in this case I was the subject of a psychic scam.

About a year ago I found another scam.  Someone was advertising on gumtree (which isn’t all bad because I advertise there too!)  claiming to be a psychic but was using photos from genuine readers on eBay.  Incidently, it’s quite hard to scam on eBay because of the feedback rating (I’ve worked really hard for my 100% positive btw) but it does still happen.

I suppose the moral of this posting is to choose your psychic adviser with care.  Almongst the genuine people there are many who would love to take your money and give you nothing but an empty bank account in return.



Easter and new project….

swimming_pool_large.jpgIt’s been quite a strange Easter and now I’m back blogging again.

I finally made good on my promise to my sons and on Saturday I took them swimming.  I think I last went swimming about 6 years ago and was quite pleased to learn that I hadn’t forgotten how to do it.  Witches do, indeed, float 😉  I now have to take them ice skating as also promised.  I’m not sure I’ll survive this one as it must be 10 years plus since I last went.

I had a migraine on Sunday which usually knocks me out for the day.  Paul came to my rescue with a hypnosis session and I lost about an hour instead.  Anyone who suffers from migraines will understand how amazing this is.

We watched a couple of films (including Knocked Up – really good) and just relaxed.  Oh, and I ate quite a lot of chocolate 😉

I started my next pendulum project over the Easter holiday.  I’m putting together charts for contacting spirit guides – I’m really excited about this.  I’ve been using my pendulum for spirit guide communication now for several years both for myself and other people with some really fantastic results.  I’ll keep you posted on progress!

That’s it for now.  I’m working hard on Paul’s new project which we are hoping to launch within the next day or two.

