Bringing a little magick to the office


I work from home running my own businesses and since we moved to our new house I’ve taken over the conservatory as my office space.  Paul and I have always been very clear that our home has to be multi-functional – it has to combine business and family – so during the day I use our dining table.  If I’m reading for a client it gets covered in Tarot cards, pendulums and candles.  If I’m working on websites then the table becomes my desk with my lap top, sometimes printer and a cup of coffee to hand.   When it’s time to stop then everything gets packed away and family life commences.

I love my adopted working area.  It’s light, airy and puts me right in nature without getting wet and cold.  I’m more creative, inspired and happy.  I’ve attached a couple of photos – one of my ‘office’ area and my daily view of the garden (as taken last month before even more flowers bloomed). 



It hasn’t always been this way.  From the age of 17 to last year, just before I turned 34 last year I worked in an office.  I stayed at one place for 15 years and can’t really say I enjoyed it very much (note to self:  stupid, stupid, stupid) then I worked for a small organisation where I had an office to myself.

As I became more involved in my spiritual path I really disliked the whole office environment – the artificial lighting, windows that don’t open, endless chatter, constant telephone calls – it’s really not the best place to be content and creative. 

So I began to bring little piece of myself into the office.  I put little pieces of clear quartz around my computer, changed my computer desktop to something more personal to me, had calendars of nature scenes and added photos of my children.  At one time I even had a little plant.  I’d also do some room cleansing when I had a few moments to myself.

Doing small things like this can make a big difference to your attitude of being in an office. It helps energy flow which then lifts your spirits and enhances your creativity.

So if you’re working in an office, give it a try.  What do you have to lose?

